If any of the beneficiaries are not going to be in Spain, we can act for them with a power of attorney. This power of attorney will be authorised before a local notary of your choice, to whom we will send the draft, in Spanish and in your own language. The power will be specific to deal with your order and, as a foreign document it will have to be legalised ( simply with the “Apostille” if the country has signed “The Hague Convention”) as must be any other non-Spanish public document that may be used in the inheritance process.
It can also be authorised by the Spanish consulate, without any other need of legalisation.
If you are a non Spaniard, non-resident, and without a Spanish Identification number for non-residents, you must go to the nearest Spanish consulate to obtain your Spanish identity number. That can be arranged at the consulate, where at the same time you can also arrange a power of attorney to deal with inheritance tax administration, notaries and land registry.
Finally If any of the beneficiaries whose consent would be necessary can not be traced, or in our opinion those beneficiaries are claiming more than their legal right, we can represent you in court, if the Spanish court and law is competent (as it is in the cases of British nationals with Spanish assets).